FlightPlanner software
FlightPlanner helps you to easily create missions for fully-automated flights from take-off to landing. Smart software calculates the speed and direction of the wind in the area and the terrain specifics in real-time to calculate the flight and to plan your aerial mapping with extreme precision. The FlightPlanner also programs and manages the on-board equipment during flight.
- Calculation the impacting factors that is inaccessible manually
- Higher efficiency of missions
- Quality assurance of aerial mapping material despite difficult landscape
- Increased safety of UAV and on-board equipment
General features
- On-map specified takeoff and landing points, flight areas and routes
- Rout, wide rout and aerial mission types
- Multiple routes or areas planning in one flight
- Mission planning with smart following of the landscape
- Terassing along the mountain slope
- KML files support for import and export of mission flight data to Google Earth
- Calculation of the camera images footprints using terrain elevations and both shown in the software and exported to KML file and Google Earth
- Automated generation of flight program to implement specified desired resolution (GSD), side and course overlaps with respect to selected camera and terrain elevations
- Calculation of “crab angles” using real time weather data and their automatic compensation
- Real-time weather data for optimal flight programming
- Configurable and easily selectable types of aircrafts and payloads
- Automatic verification of flight safety using elevation data
- Calculation of total flight time, distance, power consumption
- Automatic generation and export of the flight program in terms of MAVLink navigation points and autopilot commands to a standard Waypoint file