The practical land conference “Lands of Unified Territorial Communities”

On the 13th of June 2019, ABRIS DG took part in a practical land conference “Lands of Unified Territorial Communities: Accounting, Management, Instruction”.
The event covered practical aspects of land works, modern spatial planning technologies and the effectiveness of geoinformation systems. GIS platform product has been demonstrated to understand the real benefits of using such a tool in territory management in practice.
The main issues covered during the conference were:
1. Problems of development of documentation on spatial planning of the territory of the united territorial communities (UTC);
2. Practical and legal aspects of the transfer of collective property lands to the management and disposal of UTC;
3. Additional sources of financing for development programs of UTC;
4. Land Inventory – the basis for effective management of community land resources. Social and financial results of the successful inventory. Practical experience;
5. Influence of high-quality cartographic basis and town-planning documentation on change of settlements boundaries. Practical experience;
6. Development of town planning documentation based on land inventory materials. Practical experience and benefits;
7. Geoinformation systems as a tool for managing territories of UTC